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Hello, my name is Caleb Faught!

I am a professional developer who works mainly with Javascript and SQL in developing small business intelligence applications for public services departments. I currently live in Denton, TX with my beautiful wife and son. I grew up on the Gulf-Coast of Texas where I learned to sail, fish, surf, and dive. I am a graduate of Flatiron’s Learn.co online bootcamp where I study Ruby/Rails, HTML5/CSS3, and Javascript. I also am a proud graduate of Texas A&M University where I studied Ocean Engineering and learned the basics of programming with Matlab and Python while working on engineering projects. I enjoy web and mobile development, but also love tinkering with embedded systems using the Arduino and Raspberry Pi platforms. I have used a lot of free and paid resources on the internet to get to where I am today and Port of Code is my attempt at giving back to the software development community. I aim to continue developing my skills and help new developers along the way.

Have questions or suggestions? Feel free to open an issue on GitHub or ask me on Twitter.

Thanks for stopping by!